*The IQEX Prep Exams is a bonus course included with every purchase of our course: USCPA-NOW Comprehensive IQEX Program
The IQEX exam contains two “testlets” with a total of 76 multiple- choice questions. (12 questions won’t be factored into your grade but you will not know which questions are included for evaluation purposes.)
The multiple-choice questions make up 50% of your grade Since IQEX is a 4-hour exam, you should expect to spend 120 minutes on the multiple-choice component. This equates to an average of 1.5 minutes per question. If you are unsure of some answers, you may flag questions and return to them later. However, you must close each testlet before moving on.
The best guess for allocation of marks is;
Business Law 12%
Ethics 13%
Tax 75%.
Since 50% of the exam is comprised of tax-related simulations, the breakdown of the multiple-
choice questions can be estimated as follows:
The practice test questions have all been extracted from your USCPA-NOW materials.
75% Tax minus 50% simulations
25%/50% x 76 multiple-choice questions = 38 questions
13% Ethics
13%/50% x 76 multiple-choice questions = 19 questions
12% Law
12%/50% x 76 multiple-choice questions = 19 questions